Pathology testing is used not just in the diagnosis but also in the prevention of certain diseases. It is used to monitor human health by detecting possible precursors prior to the occurrence of symptoms of a disease.
Pathology involves performing tests on clinical specimens for obtaining crucial information pertinent to your health so that lifestyle changes and precautions can be taken in advance. While some pathology tests are invasive, most are not.
The main objective of our diagnostic care is to provide assistance and service dedicated to the early detection and eventual prevention of diseases with the help of the latest, most advanced technology and sophisticated equipment.
We are stringent with quality and effective in our measures. Choose from our complete range of services, from routine check-ups like Blood Glucose levels and CBP to fully specialized examinations for hormonal assays, infectious diseases, cancer markers and even therapeutic drug assays.
All the individual disciplines are headed by professionally qualified, superior and experienced medical doctors, under whose guidance are a team of trained and qualified technologists. We use fully automated state of the art analyzers for all our quantitative investigations to avoid any chances of human error.

This branch of pathology is usually used in the estimation of cell counts and deals with the study of cell morphology.
Hematology is incredibly helpful in the diagnosis of various blood disorders that may range from either simple infections to even cancer.
We use advanced techniques like flow cemetery and HPLC to perform bone marrow study and bleeding disorder tests and other similar tests that are designed to investigate blood genetic disorders.

Clinical Biochemistry
To diagnose and monitor certain diseases, we use clinical biochemistry. It deals with the measurement of analytes and runs a large number of diagnostic tests in order to understand the pathogenesis and etiology of various diseases. For the correct assessment of the therapeutic efficacy of a certain disease, it is crucial to ensure that the diagnosis is done in the early stages.

The tests under the immunology department deal with the detection of antibodies and antigens in the bloodstream that may have been caused in response to a certain pathogen in the body. Immunology is highly useful in treating infectious and autoimmune diseases, cancers and organ transplants among other procedures.

This division of pathology is used to conduct tests that help in the detection of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other such microbes.
Manual techniques are combined with automated ones to identify specific organisms that may be present in the blood and other bodily fluids.
Appropriate treatment may be conducted once the antibiotic sensitivity pattern is obtained in response to that particular organism.

Molecular Biology
The Molecular Biology department conducts tests on the DNA and the RNA with regard to a few particular genes that may be present in the body, blood, fluids or tissues. They are especially useful in the detection and study of infectious diseases and cancers.

The serology test is an antibody blood test that examines the signs of a prior COVID-19 infection. It is used in the detection of antibodies, in the blood that fights off the infection.

Clinical Pathology
The department of Clinical Pathology deals with various body fluids like urine, CSF, ascitic fluid, synovial fluid, and pleural fluid and their study. These tests present a quantitative estimation of cell counts that help diagnose various malignant and infectious diseases.

Special Biochemistry
Special biochemistry deals with a biochemical profile or a series of blood tests that are used to assess the operating capability of several essential organs and organ systems, like the kidneys and the liver.
These tests are usually accompanied by a complete blood count (CBC) to deliver accurate results and may be done on an empty stomach depending on the doctor's prescription.

In the department of Histopathology, we study surgically excised tissue under microscopic examination using both regular and special stains.
For the purpose of precise diagnosis, methods like immunohistochemistry, frozen sections, Immunofluorescence and other ancillary tests are performed.
These tests are vital in the diagnosis and prognosis of both cancers and non-cancers.

Cytopathology deals with cellular elements that have been obtained via minimally invasive procedures such as aspiration by fine needle of palpable superficial swellings.
Cyto brush is used to collect the morphological study of cells.
One of these tests is the PAP smear and procedures like these are quick and efficient while simultaneously being non-traumatic to the patient.
These help in the detection of cancers and help in differentiating them from non-cancers.

Structural and numerical abnormalities inside a chromosome may be responsible for certain disorders in the human body and are diagnosed with the help of the Cytogenetics division of Pathology.
These tests help in determining and investigating cancers and genetic diseases.
The department of radiology is essential in providing critical inputs during the diagnosis stage of a patient’s treatment. Medical professionals rely on dependable radiology services to confirm or discredit certain medical conditions.
At Likhita Diagnostics, a team of highly competent and trained Radiologists are in charge of the department and ensure that the results are clinically precise and accurate to facilitate the correct diagnosis.
Our team guarantees dependable, authentic, and responsive diagnosis, and we present a comprehensive scope of radiology services such as the High-Resolution 3D Ultrasound and 64 slice Cardiac CT scanner.

Our diagnostic centre houses magnetic resonance imaging or MRI which is a diagnostic imaging technique. This is used to obtain detailed images of the tissues and internal organs of the human body.

Multi-slice CT Scan
To pinpoint the precise location of certain abnormalities, our Multi-Slice CT Scan is used that uses multiple detectors computed tomography to deliver accurate results.

Digital X-Ray
In order to get greater visibility of blood vessels and specific internal organs, the digital X-Ray or radiology is used.

Ultrasound and Dopplers
Ultrasound techniques are used to provide accurate and authentic pictures of the internal organs of the body without having to use ionizing radiation.

The Treadmill Test or the TMT is used to find if there has been any form of stress on the heart.

Similar to the TMTs, the PFT or the Pulmonary function tests are designed to find out if the lungs are functioning properly.
The branch of medicine that deals with disorders of the nervous system is Neurology and involves the study and examination of the brain, nerves, blood vessels, and muscles. The principal areas of neurology deal with the central, the autonomic, and the peripheral nervous systems.
Neurological disorders vary between infants, children, and adults, and those who treat patients younger than 18 years are called pediatric neurologists. Cerebral palsy, epilepsy, learning disabilities, and nerve and muscle diseases are some of the diseases that affect the majority of the population.
Neurologists at Likhita Diagnostics are specially trained and adept at diagnosing and treating various neurological disorders such as these. Prior to the neurological examination, the patient’s health history is reviewed and the investigation is performed to assess the proper functioning of the cranial nerves, coordination, sensation, strength and reflexes among others.
Our team here guarantees reliable and highly responsive diagnosis and highly skilled technicians to deliver authentic results.

Based on the findings of the year 2016, CVDs or Cardiovascular diseases were calculated to be prevalent in India among 54.5 million individuals. Stroke and ischemic heart disease is now regarded as responsible for one in four deaths in India and are the root cause of more than 80% of these cases.
At Likhita Diagnostic Centre we care for your Heart as a priority. Our team of cardiological specialists guarantees the most accurate results with the echocardiography test. The expert radiologists at Likhita Diagnostics are highly experienced in rendering all the cardiology Tests starting from an Electrocardiogram (ECG) to Computerized Stress Test, 2D Echo, Blood Pressure Measurement and BP monitoring.

2D Echo
We provide Echocardiography tests that use sound wave technology to deliver live images of the heart.

An electrocardiogram or an ECG is a straightforward and uncomplicated test that uses sensors to detect the rhythm of your heartbeat and note electrical activity.
These sensors are attached to the skin and they transmit the electrical signals produced by the heart every time it beats.